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- Antimicrobial properties of Indian almond leaves
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- Axolotl tank substrate recommendations
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- Axolotl veterinary treatments
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- Axolotl water quality issues
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- Axolotl worm prevention
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- Axolotls as exotic pets
- Axolotls as pets
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- Axolotls in the USA
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- Axolotls regulations
- Chimera axolotl
- Chlorine removal for axolotls
- Cleaning axolotl tank substrate
- Common axolotl color morphs
- Determining axolotl gender
- Feeding axolotls worms
- Golden albino axolotl
- Illegal states for axolotls
- Indian almond leaves
- Indoor tank filtration for axolotls
- Keeping axolotls legally
- Keeping multiple axolotls
- Legal states for axolotls
- Leucistic axolotl
- Male vs. female axolotl
- Melanoid axolotl
- Outdoor pond setup tips for axolotls
- Piebald axolotl
- Promoting natural behavior in axolotls
- Rare axolotl color morphs
- Setting up an axolotl tank
- Tannins for axolotl health
- Types of worms for axolotls
- Water quality
- Water quality for axolotls
- Wild-type axolotl

28 Axolotl Safe Medications & Treatments: The Complete List
Sometimes we find ourselves with a sick lotl that needs some special treatment to help recover. But this begs the question: What medicines are safe to use with axolotls? It can be confusing to know...

How to Use Indian Almond Leaves for Axolotls
Have you heard of Indian almond leaves? Did you know they have uses for axolotl tanks? Keep reading to find out! Indian Almond Leaf Benefits 1. Antifungal Indian almond leaves possess mild antifun...

Benefits of Axolotls As Aquarium Pets So: You want to know if an axolotl is the right choice for you as a pet? Maybe you have a child that is begging for an axolotl, and you're just not sure if you...

How to Treat Intestinal Worm (Nematodes) Parasites in Axolotls
"Can axolotls get worms?" Yes. They are deadly if left untreated, but let's learn more about how to tell if your axolotl has worms. What Kind of Worms do Axolotls Get? Capillaria is a type of round...

Axolotls Legal & Illegal USA States: The Complete List
As a United States citizen, where can you keep axolotls and remain a good, law-abiding citizen? Surprisingly, not all states allow axolotls to be imported. So stay tuned to learn where axolotls are...

Why Isn't My Axolotl Eating? 9 Causes (& What to Do)
"What's wrong with my axolotl??" you ask. "It won't eat!" That is a sign something can be going on, and one that shouldn't go ignored. An axolotl's appetite is a major indication of their health, s...