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5 Reasons Why Your Axolotl May Have Died
Axolotl ammonia poisoning

5 Reasons Why Your Axolotl May Have Died

It's always so sad - and sometimes quite frustrating - when your axolotl perishes. Possibly the hardest part...? Sometimes it can be difficult to know what went wrong. So today I've put together a ...

Axolotl careWhat is the Best Substrate for an Axolotl Tank?

What is the Best Substrate for an Axolotl Tank?

What substrate should you put at the bottom of the axolotl tank? Sand? Gravel? Nothing? Today I'm going to open a big can of worms and dive into what has evolved into the highly controversial topic...

Axolotl careWater Changes for Axolotls (Hint: You're Doing it Wrong)

Water Changes for Axolotls (Hint: You're Doing it Wrong)

How often do you change your axolotl's water? How much at a time? What is the proper aquarium maintenance routine to follow so your pet stays healthy? Great questions. The answer is more than a sim...