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How to Tub an Axolotl: 5 Steps + Tubbing Benefits
Aquarium maintenance

How to Tub an Axolotl: 5 Steps + Tubbing Benefits

Okay axolotl people, let's talk about tubbing! (No, it doesn't mean you give your axolotl a bubble bath ;) ) Even if you're fairly new to axolotls, you've probably come across the term. This post i...

Axolotl aggression triggersNipping in Axolotls: How to Prevent it

Nipping in Axolotls: How to Prevent it

Have you ever seen your axolotl swim quickly away from another after getting bitten? Then you may just have witnessed a nip! Why is this, and how can we stop it from happening again? Today's post i...

Axolotl behaviorCan You have an Axolotl as a Pet? What You Should Know

Can You have an Axolotl as a Pet? What You Should Know

What's not to love about axolotls? If you've been captivated by the adorable smile and are wondering about a new pet... ... You're not the only one. So today I'm going to tell you all about keeping...