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What is the Best Substrate for an Axolotl Tank?
Axolotl care

What is the Best Substrate for an Axolotl Tank?

What substrate should you put at the bottom of the axolotl tank? Sand? Gravel? Nothing? Today I'm going to open a big can of worms and dive into what has evolved into the highly controversial topic...

Axolotl aggression triggersNipping in Axolotls: How to Prevent it

Nipping in Axolotls: How to Prevent it

Have you ever seen your axolotl swim quickly away from another after getting bitten? Then you may just have witnessed a nip! Why is this, and how can we stop it from happening again? Today's post i...

Aquascape for axolotlsAxolotl Habitat: How to Make a Natural Biotope Tank

Axolotl Habitat: How to Make a Natural Biotope Tank

Have you ever wondered what the habitat of the axolotl is like? Do you want to make your animal live as natural a life as possible? I have some tips to share with you on doing just that. It is call...